VitaraCharts Grid and Micro Charts User Guide

Release 4.1

Table of Contents:

Vitara Grid and Micro Charts User Guide

Table of Contents:

I. Grid Chart

1. Properties Menu

1.1 Edit button:

1.2 Hamburger button

1.3 Right-click on the chart:

2. Appearance

2.1 Theme

2.2 Layout

2.3 Animation

2.4 Grid/ Pivot Drop zones

2.5 Row Height

2.6 Header and Body Text Styles

3. Auto Size

3.1 ‘Auto Size’ using the ‘Edit’ button

3.2 Auto size using Hamburger Button

3.3 ‘Auto size’ using ‘Right click’ properties window

4. Sorting

Advanced Sorting

4.1. Advanced Sorting using Edit Option

4.2. Advanced Sorting using the Hamburger option.

4.3. Advanced Sorting using Right Click properties

4.4. Advanced Sorting on Grouping Level.

5. Thresholds

5.1 How to open the Threshold Editor window

Using the ‘Edit’ button:

Using the ‘Hamburger button’:

Using ‘Right click’ on the chart:

5.2 Apply Thresholds:

5.3 Threshold on ‘Group By’ headers:

5.4 Custom Images as Icons in Thresholds

Step 1:

Step 2:

5.5 Threshold on Grid Rows

6. Format / Clear Formatting

7. Grouping and Pivoting.

7.1 Grouping

7.2 Pivot

8. Value Aggregation

8.1. Choose Column


8.2 Ratio Aggregation

9. Tooltip

10. Grand Total

11.Manage Column Grouping

12. Pin Column

13.Show/Hide Column

14.Filter Data


16. Reset Columns

17. Trendlines within the grid

18. Image URL attribute forms:

II. Micro Chart

1. Properties Menu

1.1 Edit button:

1.2 Hamburger button

1.3 Right-click on the chart:

2.Trendline Charts

2.1 Trendlines charts - Bullet chart

3. Appearance

3.1 Theme

3.2 Layout

3.3 Animation

3.4 Grid/ Pivot Drop zones

3.5 Row Height

3.6 Header and Body Text Styles

4.Auto Size

4.1 ‘Auto Size’ using ‘Edit’ button:

4.2 Auto size using Hamburger Button:

4.3 ‘Auto size’ using ‘Right click’ properties window:

5. Sorting

Advanced Sorting

5.1. Advanced Sorting using Edit Option

5.2. Advanced Sorting on Grouping Level.

6. Thresholds

6.1 How to open Threshold Editor window:

6.2 Apply Thresholds:

6.3 Threshold on ‘Group By’ headers:

7. Format / Clear Formatting

8. Tooltip

9. Grand Totals

10. Pin Column

11.Show/Hide Column

12. Export

13. Reset Columns

III. Right to Left (RTL) language support:

1. Controlling the option:

2. Grid and Micro Charts:

3. Cartesian Charts:

4. Grid layout Charts:

5. Properties Editor:

6. Legend:

7. Tooltip:

I. Grid Chart

1. Properties Menu

In the Vitara Grid chart, there are three ways to open the properties menu.

1.1 Edit button:

To open the properties window just hover the cursor on the chart to get the ‘Edit’ button.

Click on the ‘Edit’ button, a properties window will be opened. By using these properties window you can customize the Vitara grid chart.

1.2 Hamburger button

The other way to open the properties window is the hamburger button. If you hover the cursor on the header of any column you will get a hamburger button.

Click on this hamburger button, a popup window will open.

This popup window will have three buttons, each has its own functionality.

1.3 Right-click on the chart:

Right click on any part of the chart to open a properties popup window. This popup window will have the properties as the properties which will come when we click the ‘Edit’ button.

2. Appearance

Most of the text formatting properties for the Vitara grid chart are available in the ‘Appearance’ tab.

This tab can be accessed from the ‘Edit’ button. Hover the cursor on the Vitara grid chart, click on the ‘Edit’ button and select the ‘Appearance’ tab.

2.1 Theme

Vitara grid chart will come in the ‘Fresh’ theme by default. There are three other themes available in the Vitara grid chart: fresh, dark, and white. The theme can be modified ways, from the edit property window and from the right click property window. Below are the screenshots of accessing the theme from the above mentioned two ways.


Grid theme from edit property window:

Grid theme from right click property window:

2.2 Layout

There is an option to view the layout from the right to left format from the build 4.1. You can enable the option if want to see the chart from right to left. Below is a screenshot from the property editor.


See the screenshot below when we enable the right to left layout in the grid chart

2.3 Animation

When we sort the columns in the grid chart, by default the Toggle animation is enabled. You can uncheck the checkbox of Toggle Animation to turn off the animation in the chart.

2.4 Grid/ Pivot Drop zones

You can hide the Grouping/ Pivoting drop zones from the property editor.

2.5 Row Height

In Vitara grid chart rows are classified as; normal grid rows, column header row, and group header rows. Vitara grid chart allows users to modify the height of all the above-mentioned row types. Here you can hide the children count by enabling Hide children count checkbox.

“Grouped Row Height” field will be available if we apply to the group on any of the attributes/ metrics.

2.6 Header and Body Text Styles

Vitara grid chart offers you all the text formatting options; font family, font size, bold, italic, underline, text color, font alignment. Below is the screenshot of theme properties showing header style options and body style options.

3. Auto Size

By default, when we just open the Vitara grid chart, it will adjust all the column contents to ‘Fit  to Grid Width’.

‘Fit to Grid Width’ will adjust all columns in equal size, within the visualization area in the horizontal direction. Visualization doesn’t show scrollbar in the horizontal direction. This ‘Fit to Grid Width’ state will dynamically be adjusted even after we modify the size of the window, i.e. maximizing or minimizing the visualization, visualization shrinks its area when we add other visualization, visualization area increases when we delete other visualizations.

‘Fit to Content’ will adjust the grid chart columns to their content width.

We can also manually adjust the column size by dragging the column separator line at the column headers. After adjusting you need to save the dossier or document to retain the changes.

We can apply ‘Fit to Grid Width’ or Fit to Content’ properties by opening properties windows in any of the three ways.

3.1 ‘Auto Size’ using the ‘Edit’ button

Hover the cursor on the chart to show the ‘Edit’ button. Click on the ‘Edit’ button to open the properties window.

The chart will show ‘✔’ symbol beside the respective property which is currently applied on the chart.

When we manually adjust the size of the chart, the chart will not show ‘✔’ mark on any of the tabs.

3.2 Auto size using Hamburger Button

We can also open ‘Auto size’ property using the hamburger button of any column. Click on the hamburger button of any column. We have an additional property ‘Fit this Column to Content’ when we open ‘Auto size’ using the hamburger button.  Below is a screenshot of this property.

We can apply ‘Fit this Column to Content’ for any individual columns.

3.3 ‘Auto size’ using ‘Right click’ properties window

The following is a screenshot of ‘Auto size’ property using ‘Right Click’ properties window.

4. Sorting

In Vitara Grid chart with just a click on the header of a column, we can sort the data in that column.

For the first click on the column header, representing the column is sorted into ascending order. See the screenshot below which is in Ascending order.

If we want to sort the column in descending order, click a second time on the column header. representing the column is sorted in descending order.

Sorting can be removed by clicking on the column header for the third time.

We can also sort multiple columns by using Advanced sorting.

In the below screenshot, the attributes Province, Product Category and Product Subcategory are sorted with Province having the highest priority followed by the Product Category attribute and then Product Subcategory.

Advanced Sorting

Advance sorting will allow users to do different sorting on different grouping levels. By this, you can easily sort the columns in your required order. The Property editor has an option of Sorting. See the below-representing sorting option in 3 different ways.

4.1. Advanced Sorting using Edit Option

From the Property Editor, click the Sorting tab. The first one square button shows the metrics you want to sort and the second one shows the order what you want to sort. See the screenshot below.

4.2. Advanced Sorting using the Hamburger option.

From the Hamburger menu, Select any metric, select Advanced Sorting and click on Manage Sorting, it will take you to the Editor tab. See the screenshot below.

4.3. Advanced Sorting using Right Click properties

From the Right Click Menu, Select Advanced Sorting then click on Manage Sorting you can able to apply to sort in the Property editor window. See the screenshot below.

4.4. Advanced Sorting on Grouping Level.

Advanced Sorting can be applied on grouping levels too. Now, once grouping is applied in the grid, there is a button added in the property editor. See the screenshot below where the Sorting is applied on a discount on a product category level.

5. Thresholds

Thresholds let the user highlight specific values in the chart. In the Vitara grid chart, we can apply thresholds only for metrics. Apply thresholds are so easy in Vitara grid chart.

5.1 How to open the Threshold Editor window

We can open ‘threshold editor’ window in any of the below mentioned three ways.

Using the ‘Edit’ button:

Move the cursor on the Vitara grid chart, ‘Edit’ button will appear. Click on the ‘Edit’ button to open the properties window. In the properties window select ‘Thresholds’ tab. Click on the ‘Manage Thresholds’ tab.

Using the ‘Hamburger button’:

Move the cursor on the header of any column, hamburger button will appear at the rightmost corner. Click on the hamburger button. A properties popup window will appear. Expand the ‘Thresholds’ tab and click on the ‘Manage Thresholds’ tab.

Using ‘Right click’ on the chart:

Right click on any part of the Vitara grid chart. In the property popup window, expand the ‘Thresholds’ tab and select the ‘Manage Thresholds’ tab.

5.2 Apply Thresholds:

Below is a screenshot of the threshold editor window. Click on ‘Add’ button to apply a new threshold. The threshold editor window will list all the applied thresholds if any. We can also edit applied thresholds by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button.

Click on ‘Add’ tab to apply a new threshold.


If grouping is applied on any row of the grid chart, we can apply a threshold on group rows/cells. Using the ‘Group’ field we can decide on which rows we want to apply thresholds, i.e. on individual rows or grouped rows. Select ‘No grouping’ to apply a threshold on normal rows or select the group row to apply a threshold on group rows.



Select the metric on which you want to apply a threshold in ‘Metric’ drop down box.

Select Target:

In ‘Select Target’ drop down box select the type of threshold you want; a row or cell highlighter.

For example, if I apply a threshold for Profit top 5 apply green color, using ‘Cell’ in ‘Select Target’, the threshold will display as shown in the below screenshot

If we apply ‘Row’ in the ‘Select Target’ drop down box the same threshold will be as shown in the below screenshot.

Select Condition:

When you select any threshold condition, the threshold editor window will stretch into its complete view. Below is a screenshot of the full threshold editor window.

Give all the inputs in the threshold editor window.

In the ‘Value(s)’ text input box, give appropriate input value according to the threshold condition.

Using ‘Background Color’ we can apply colors to the background of the text.

Using ‘Color’ we can apply colors to the text where the threshold condition is true.

We can show an icon along with text, in the cells where the threshold condition is true. Select any icon from the drop-down box. Apply color for the icon using the ‘Icon Color’ color input tab, and assign a size to icons using the ‘Select Size’ text input box.

We can show only in the cells where the threshold condition is true. To apply this property, enable ‘Icon Only’ checkbox.

After all the inputs are entered click on the ‘Apply’ tab.

Below is a screenshot of the Vitara grid chart showing the result of the above threshold on the metric - ‘Profit’.

If you want to apply another threshold condition on the same metric click on the ‘Add’ button.

5.3 Threshold on ‘Group By’ headers:

The concepts of how to apply   and how to apply aggregations for group headers are explained in sections 7 and 8.

This section only deals with how to add thresholds for the value aggregations in the group headers.

Please see the below screenshot of the Vitara grid chart, where grouping is applied on the ‘Product Category’ attribute. The default aggregation function applied is ‘Sum’.

We can also apply thresholds on these group header aggregations. Open threshold editor window using any of the three possible ways: ‘Edit’ button, ‘Hamburger’ button, ‘Right click’ on the chart.

Below is the screenshot of the threshold editor window. Click on ‘Add’ button to define a new threshold.

Expand the ‘Group’ drop-down box. It will show two segments, ‘No grouping’ and the attribute names on which grouping is applied. In our example, as we applied to group on the ‘Product Category’ attribute, the threshold window will show this attribute.

Select ‘No grouping’ if you want to apply thresholds for normal data rows and select the attribute name, e.g. Product Category, to apply thresholds on group headers.

Give all the inputs in the threshold editor window. Below is the screenshot applying thresholds on aggregation values.

5.4 Custom Images as Icons in Thresholds

By default, the Vitara grid chart will allow applying the following set of icons in thresholds.

Vitara grid chart allows the customer to define any images as an icon to display in thresholds. To do this the format of the image should be JPEG, PNG or GIF file.

Step 1:

Copy the image file (JPEG, PNG, GIF) into the following folder of the Vitara charts installation folder.

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\webapps\MicroStrategy\ plugins\VitaraCharts\custom\images

Vitara grid chart comes with two example images already copied in this folder. You can see in the below screenshot.

Copy all the images you want as icons in thresholds in this folder.

Step 2:

Edit ‘global.txt’ file, which will be in the following location:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\webapps\MicroStrategy\ plugins\ VitaraCharts\custom

The marked area in the above screenshot of ‘global.txt’ file, is the properties definition for custom icons in thresholds. As an example, the Vitara grid chart has two custom icon definitions. You can notice this property definition in the last line of the marked area in the above screenshot.

One is “diamondAnimated.gif” and the other one is a cloud-download.png file.

Uncomment this line by deleting the ‘#’ character in the starting of the line. Save the ‘global.txt’ file and refresh your dossier or document.

Apply threshold on any metric and open select icon in the threshold editor window. You can see all the custom images set as threshold icons in the icon list. Below is the screenshot of the threshold editor window showing the threshold icons list.

5.5 Threshold on Grid Rows

We can highlight rows in the grid chart using thresholds.


In the ‘Select Target’ field of threshold editor window select the option ‘Row’.

6. Format / Clear Formatting

The text styles we apply using the ‘Grid Theme’ tab will reflect the entire grid i.e all rows. Whereas the text styles we apply for any column using the ‘Format’ tab will affect only that particular column.

As shown in the below screenshot we can access ‘format’ or ‘clear format’ options from the hamburger button of any column.

Using the ‘Edit’ button also we can open ‘format’ option.

In the options we have in the ‘format’ tab, we can apply text styling to a particular column or a group column or any column header only. To apply these properties, click on the hamburger button of any column and select the ‘Format’ tab. A column formatting popup window will come up.

The ‘Select Column’ drop down box will list all the attributes, metrics available in the chart and group column (If grouping is applied in the chart). Select the column on which you want to apply column specific formatting. In the ‘Format For’ drop down box select ‘body’ or ‘header’. Apply all the formatting and click the ‘Close’ button.

The properties applied using the ‘Format’ tab for a particular column, will overwrite the properties applied using the “grid Theme’ tab for that column.

The ‘Clear Formatting’ tab will delete all the formatting applied on that particular column.

7. Grouping and Pivoting.

There are grouping and pivoting drop zones now in the grid chart, which are introduced in the 4.1 version of Vitara charts. You can now drag and drop the attributes into the drop zones. Below is the screenshot of drop zones.

Here, we did a group on the Product category and Pivoting on Region when attributes dragged into drop zones.

You can hide the drop zones from the grid chart. By right clicking, there is an option Group/Pivot drop zones. You can click the hide option if not needed. See the screenshot below.

You can hide the Grouping/ Pivoting drop zones from the property editor.

7.1 Grouping

You can define a group by selecting an attribute or metric. Go to the hamburger button of any attribute, expand ‘Grouping’ and select ‘Group by’.

In the below screenshot, the grouping is applied on the ‘Product Category’ attribute level. Vitara grid chart will show the number of sub-elements in each group in round brackets or parenthesis. For example, the group ‘Furniture’ has 4 sub-elements in it. Click on “+” symbol to expand each group.

In the Vitara Grid chart, the state of the expand/collapse of a particular group will be saved. when we reopen the dossier/document the groups which are saved in an expanded state or collapsed state will retain its state.

7.2 Pivot

Pivoting is the ability to swap the position of rows to columns in the Grid chart. Pivoting can be done on attributes and metrics. Grouped attributes cannot be pivoted.

You can pivot the chart in two different ways.

Click on the hamburger of any attribute, then click on the move to the columns option. Below are the screenshots of pivoting attributes.

Click on the hamburger of any metric, then click on the move to rows option. Below are the screenshots of pivoting metrics.

8. Value Aggregation

Once we apply to the group, we can apply value aggregations to the group headers. Click the hamburger button of the respective column on which you want to apply value aggregations. Expand the ‘Value Aggregations’ tab and select the aggregation function. Below is a screenshot of the ‘Value Aggregation’ tab.

Vitara grid chart allows applying only the aggregation functions which are listed in the ‘Value Aggregation’ tab. The default aggregation function is ‘Sum’.

8.1. Choose Column

In the ‘Value Aggregation’ tab of the grid chart, there are some basic functions that can be used to apply aggregations. If we want a function other than these functions, by using the ‘Choose Column’ option in the ‘Value Aggregation’ tab we can implement it.

It is possible to use aggregation from a different metric (say metric B) as the aggregation for metric A. The way to set it up is to use both metric A and metric B on the grid. Now metric B is something you would define in MicroStrategy having the right type of aggregation at the desired dimensionality. On the Vitara Grid column for metric B, you would just choose a trivial aggregation (like first or last).

In the column for metric A, choose aggregation and choose a column to select metric B. Now you can just hide column for metric B if you don’t want it displayed.


For example, in the below screenshot group by is applied at the ‘Product Category’ level. I want to show ‘value aggregation’ for profit metric as (Profit - Shipping Cost).

But using the Vitara grid chart ‘Value Aggregation’ formulas I can't define this aggregation. The following is the procedure for defining this aggregation.

Step 1: Define a derived metric using the formula we want in aggregation.

Let us assume the derived metric name is ‘Actual Profit’.

Actual Profit = Profit - Shipping Cost

The level at which we want this aggregation is the ‘Product Category’ level. Therefore, the derived metric also defined at this level. The MicroStrategy formula for this derived metric will be

Sum ((Profit-[Shipping Cost])){[Product Category]}

Step 2:

Add this metric to the grid chart.

Step 3:

Apply aggregations like First, Last, Max or Min for ‘Actual Profit’ derived metric.

Step 4:

The derived metric ‘Actual Profit’ is showing exactly the same aggregation values which we want to show at the ‘Profit’ metric. To copy this aggregation value at ‘Profit’ metric, open ‘Value Aggregation’ for ‘profit metric, go to ‘Choose Column’ and select the derived metric ‘Actual Profit’.

Step 5:

Now as we defined the derived metric ‘Actual Profit’ for calculating value aggregation for the ‘Profit’ metric and we don’t need this metric in our grid chart we can hide this metric. Click on the hamburger button of the ‘Actual Profit’ metric and select ‘Hide Column’.

You can verify in the below screenshot, the aggregation value of ‘Profit’ metric, is it showing exactly (Profit - Shipping Cost). The aggregation functions applied for ‘Profit’ and ‘Shipping Cost’ is Sum.



8.2 Ratio Aggregation

In the 3.9 release, Vitara Grid and Micro charts have a new aggregation function called ‘Ratio’. We can implement a ratio of two metrics as aggregation in the chart. The following is the screenshot of the ratio option.

When we select ‘Ratio’ as aggregation function a new ratio editor window will open. Below is the screenshot of the ratio editor window.

Apply all the required fields and click on the ‘Apply’ button.

9. Tooltip

Vitara Grid chart is now having the ‘custom tooltip’ option. By default, the tooltip option is shown in the screenshot below.

You can enable tooltip, and apply the background color and required formatting. The below-shown pic is the applied tooltip with formatting needed.

10. Grand Total

Vitara grid chart by default shows ‘Grand Total’ row at the bottom of the visualization. The default function applied is ‘Sum’. However, we can modify the default aggregation function to other functions in the list.

Therefore, the term ‘Grand Total’ is just for naming purposes and does not mean it will show only totals. The actual value of the Grand total will be calculated by using the function applied in ‘Value Aggregation’. For example, if we apply ‘Value Aggregation’ function - Max, the grand total will also show the max value among the values.

Show/Hide Grand total: If we don’t want to show ‘Grand Total’ row, then we can hide the ‘Grand Total’ row. Click on the ‘Edit’ button select the ‘Grand Totals’ tab and expand the dropdown box select ‘Hide’.

11.Manage Column Grouping

In the Vitara Grid chart, we can also apply to the group for columns. Go to the hamburger button and expand ‘Grouping’ tab, select ‘Manage Column Grouping’.

A new column grouping popup window will open.  This will list all the attributes and metrics in the grid chart. Click on ‘Add New’ button.

Now the popup window will show Group Title, give any name for your group. This name will be displayed in the grid chart. In to the shaded boxes below the group title drag and drop the attributes or metrics to which you want to apply the column groupings.

Below is a screenshot of the grid chart showing column grouping, group name as ‘KPIs’. You can expand or collapse this column grouping. If the group is in collapse mode, it will show the first attribute/metric.

12. Pin Column

To keep a column of a grid visible while you scroll to another area of the grid, pin column will be useful. Go to the hamburger button of the column which you want to freeze, and expand the ‘Pin Column’ tab, select pin position - left or right.

To remove the ‘Pin Column’ property select ‘No Pin’ option.

13.Show/Hide Column

We can hide or unhide any column in the Vitara Grid chart using the ‘Show/Hide Column’ tab. This feature can be accessed by any of the three ways we can get the properties window, i.e. ‘Edit’ button, Hamburger popup window and right click properties window. Below are the screenshots of all these three ways we can apply the hide column feature.

14.Filter Data

We can also apply a filter on metrics to filter the data in the Vitara grid chart. Click on the hamburger button of any metric column on which you want to apply a filter, select ‘Filter Data’.

Now a filter editor popup window will open.

In the ‘Filter For’ drop down box select the metric on which you want to apply a filter, then click on ‘Add’ button.

In the ‘Select Condition’ drop down box select the appropriate filter condition, give values and then click on the ‘Apply’ button.

Vitara grid chart will be updated with the data applying filter condition.


We export the data in the grid chart into CSV format. This feature will work in MicroStrategy Web only. We can export grid data in the following two ways.

Below is a screenshot of the ‘Export’ option using the “Edit’ popup window.

Below is the screenshot of applying the ‘Export’ option using the ‘right click’ popup window.

16. Reset Columns

With just a click we can delete any property applied to Vitara grid chart. Using the ‘Reset Columns’ tab we can delete all the customizations we applied on the grid chart.

17. Trendlines within the grid

From 4.1. a version of Vitara charts, the grid chart can also convert to a micro chart. Click hamburger of any metric, you can see an option ‘Display style’, where we can get trendlines in the chart the same as the Micro chart. Below is a screenshot of the trendlines


Here, for-profit metric, we applied display style as a bar chart.

18. Image URL attribute forms:

Vitara grid chart now supports image URLs as an attribute form. Once the attribute form is selected as display form, the Vitara grid chart will load the images related to URLs.

Below is a screenshot demonstrating how to change the default attribute form to other attribute forms.

In the drop zone panel right click on the attribute which has image URL as attribute form and expands the “Display Attribute Form” tab. If that particular attribute has more than one form to display, then only MicroStrategy will show the option “Display Attribute Form”.

Now you can see all the attribute forms available for that particular attribute. Select the form which has an image URL and deselects the other forms then click ‘OK’.

Vitara grid chart will display only one attribute form at a time.

II. Micro Chart

The Micro chart consists of compact representations of data that allow analysts to quickly visualize trends in data. Micro charts convey information so that a user can, at a glance, determine the trend of a metric over time or how a metric is performing compared to forecasted figures.

Vitara micro chart needs a minimum of two attributes and one metric.

The chart will apply a group by to the first attribute. Drag and drop the group by attribute into ‘Category Axis’ drop zone in the Editor panel. We cannot ungroup the first attribute.

On expanding the group by of the first attribute elements, the details of the second attribute will be displayed. Drag and drop the second attribute into the ‘Trend By’ drop zone in the Editor panel.

All the metrics should be placed in the ‘Value’ drop zone in the Editor panel. By default, for all the metrics, the line chart will be displayed as a trending chart in the group by headers.

1. Properties Menu

In Vitara Micro chart three ways we can open the properties menu.

1.1 Edit button:

To open the properties window just hover the cursor on the chart to get the ‘Edit’ button.

Click on the ‘Edit’ button, a properties window will be opened. By using this property window you can customize the Vitara grid chart.

1.2 Hamburger button

The other way to open the properties window is the hamburger button. If you hover the cursor on the header of any column you will get a hamburger button.

Click on this hamburger button, a popup window will open.

This popup window will have three buttons, each has its own functionality.

1.3 Right-click on the chart:

Right click on any part of the chart to open a properties popup window. This popup window will have the properties as the properties which we will come when we click on the ‘Edit’ button.

2.Trendline Charts

2.1 Trendlines charts - Bullet chart

By default, the Vitara micro chart will display a line chart with markers at the minimum value, maximum value and final value. We can change trending charts to bar charts or bullet charts.

We can change the default colors of these chart by selecting ‘More Options’ in ‘Trendline Charts’ tab.

We can also change the default line chart to a bar or bullet chart. Go to the hamburger button of any column and expand the ‘Trendline Charts’ tab. Click on the chart type which you want to show in the group by headers.

In the below screenshot you can see all the three trendline types. For-profit metric trendline type applied is bullet chart, The sales metric is showing bar trendline type and the shipping cost metric is in line chart type.

The line and bar chart types are common chart types. Here we will discuss the bullet chart type.

In the below screenshot for the ‘Profit’ metric bullet chart type is applied as trendline charts.

In bullet chart type trend line, chart will show an indicator for each of the following terms: actual, target, band1, band2 and band3.

To configure the bullet chart type, go to the ‘Trendline charts’ tab and select ‘More Options’.

In the trend line editor window, in ‘Trend line for’ drop down box select the metric on which you want to apply trend line. In ‘Chart type’ drop down box select the type of the chart i.e. line, bar or bullet.

Once we select the chart type as a bullet, the trend line editor will show all the fields related to Actual, Target, Band1, Band2 and Band 3. We can customize colors, metrics and aggregation functions.

In the below, the screenshot trend line editor is customized for profit metric.

3. Appearance

Most of the text formatting properties for the Vitara micro chart are available in the ‘Appearance’ tab.

This tab can be accessed from the ‘Edit’ button. Hover the cursor on Vitara grid chart, click on the ‘Edit’ button and select ‘Grid Theme’ tab

3.1 Theme

Vitara micro chart will come in a fresh theme by default. There are four other themes available in the Vitara grid chart: blue, dark, bootstrap, and white. The theme can be modified in the following ways, from the edit property window, and from the right click property window. Below are the screenshots of accessing the theme from the above mentioned two ways.



Grid theme from edit property window:

Grid theme from right click property window:

If you want to hide the children count of the Grouped row Attribute names you can enable the checkbox of the ‘Hide Children Count’. See the screenshot below.

3.2 Layout

There is an option to view the layout from the right to left format from the build 4.1. You can enable the option if want to see the chart from right to left. Below is a screenshot from the property editor.                                                          

See the screenshot below when we enable the right to left layout in the grid chart

3.3 Animation

When we sort the columns in the grid chart, by default the Toggle animation is enabled. You can uncheck the box of Toggle Animation to turn off the animation in the chart.

3.4 Grid/ Pivot Drop zones

In micro chart, the Grouping/ Pivot drop zone will be hidden in the property editor.

3.5 Row Height

In Vitara grid chart rows are classified as; normal grid rows, column header row, and group header rows. Vitara grid chart allows users to modify the height of all the above-mentioned row types. Here you can hide the children count by enabling Hide children count checkbox.

3.6 Header and Body Text Styles

Vitara micro chart offers you all the text formatting options; font family, font size, bold, italic, underline, text color, font alignment. Below is the screenshot of theme properties showing header style options and body style options.

4.Auto Size

By default, when we just launch the Vitara micro chart, it will adjust all the columns content to ‘Fit to Grid Width’.

‘Fit to Grid Width’ will adjust the all columns size, so as they will be within the visualization area in the horizontal direction. In this mode, Visualization doesn’t show scrollbar in the horizontal direction. ‘Fit to Content’ will adjust the grid chart columns to their content size.

This ‘Fit to Grid Width’ state will be dynamically adjusted even after we modify the size of the window, i.e. maximizing or minimizing the visualization, visualization shrinks its area when we add other visualization, visualization area increases when we delete other visualizations.

We can also manually adjust the column size by dragging the column separator line at the column headers. After adjusting you need to save the dossier or document to retain the changes.

We can apply ‘Fit to Grid Width’ or Fit to Content’ properties by opening properties windows in any of the three ways.

4.1 ‘Auto Size’ using ‘Edit’ button:

The chart will show the radio button symbol ‘🔘’ enabled beside the respective property which is currently applied on the chart.

When we manually adjust the size of the chart, the chart will not show any button enabled on any of the buttons.

4.2 Auto size using Hamburger Button:

We can also open ‘Auto size’ property using the hamburger button of any column. We have an additional property ‘Fit this Column to Content’ when we open ‘Auto size’ using the hamburger button.  Below is a screenshot of this property.

We can apply ‘Fit this Column to Content’ for individual columns.

4.3 ‘Auto size’ using ‘Right click’ properties window:

The following is a screenshot of ‘Auto size’ property.

5. Sorting

In Vitara Grid chart with just a click on the header of a column, we can sort the data in that column.

For the first click on the column header, representing the column is sorted into ascending order. See the screenshot below which is in Ascending order.

If we want to sort the column in descending order, click a second time on the column header. representing the column is sorted in descending order.

Sorting can be removed by clicking on the column header for the third time.

We can also sort multiple columns by using Advanced sorting.

In the below screenshot, the attributes Province, Product Category and Product Subcategory are sorted with Province having the highest priority followed by the Product Category attribute and then Product Subcategory.

Advanced Sorting

Advance sorting will allow users to do different sorting on different grouping levels. By this, you can easily sort the columns in your required order. The Property editor has an option of Sorting. See the below-representing sorting option in 3 different ways.

5.1. Advanced Sorting using Edit Option

From the Property Editor, click the Sorting tab. The first one square button shows the metrics you want to sort and the second one shows the order what you want to sort. See the screenshot below.

5.2. Advanced Sorting on Grouping Level.

Advanced Sorting can be applied on grouping levels too. Now, once grouping is applied in the grid, there is a button added in the property editor. See the screenshot below where the Sorting is applied on a discount on a product category level.

6. Thresholds

Thresholds let the user highlight specific values in the chart. In the Vitara grid chart, we can apply thresholds for only metrics. In the Vitara micro chart, it is so easy to apply thresholds.

6.1 How to open Threshold Editor window:

We can open ‘threshold editor’ window in any of the below mentioned three ways.

Using the ‘Edit’ button: Move the cursor on the Vitara grid chart, ‘Edit’ button will appear. Click on the ‘Edit’ button to open the properties window. In properties window select ‘Thresholds’ tab. Click on ‘Add’ tab.

Using Column ‘Hamburger button’: Move the cursor on the header of any column, the hamburger button will appear at the rightmost corner. Click on the hamburger button. A properties popup window will appear. Expand the ‘Thresholds’ tab and click on the ‘Manage Thresholds’ tab.

Right click on the chart: Right-click on any part of the Vitara grid chart. In the property popup window, expand the ‘Thresholds’ tab and select the ‘Manage Thresholds’ tab.

6.2 Apply Thresholds:

Below is the screenshot of the threshold editor window. By default, in ‘Group’ drop down box it will show the ‘Grouping column’ s’ Attribute and ‘No Grouping’ in the Vitara grid chart. You can select according to the requirements needed.

Then in ‘Metric’ drop down box, it will show all the metrics in the chart and you can select the appropriate metric on which you want to apply a threshold.

 Now the ‘Select Condition’ drop down box. Expand and select any conditions from the available threshold conditions.

After selecting the dropdown, Click on the ‘Apply’ tab.

The threshold editor window will stretch into its complete view. Below is the screenshot of the full threshold editor window.

Give all the inputs in the threshold editor window.

Now in the ‘Select Target’ drop down box, we have Cell and Row options, in order to highlight rows/ cells of thresholds applied.

In the ‘Value(s)’ text input box, give appropriate input value for the threshold condition.

Using ‘Background Color’ we can apply colors to the background of the text.

Using ‘Color’ we can apply colors to the text where the threshold condition is true.

We can show an icon along with text, in the cells where the threshold condition is true.

Select any icon from the Icon drop-down box. Apply color for the icon using the ‘Icon Color’ color input tab, and assign a size to icons using the ‘Select Size’ text input box.

We can show the icons in the cells where the threshold condition is true. To apply this property, enable ‘Icon Only’ checkbox.

After all the inputs are entered click on the ‘Apply’ tab.

When you click on the ‘Apply’ tab chart ‘Threshold’ tab. If you want to apply another threshold condition on the same metric click on the ‘Add’ button. If you want to apply a threshold for some other metric, choose that metric from ‘Threshold For’ drop down box. Finally, click ‘OK’.

Below is the screenshot of the Vitara micro chart showing the threshold on the ‘Profit’ metric.

6.3 Threshold on ‘Group By’ headers:

The concept, how to value apply aggregations for group headers is explained in section 6.

This section only deals with how to add thresholds for the group headers.


Please see the below screenshot of the Vitara micro chart, where grouping is applied on the ‘Product Category’ attribute. Currently, all the metrics are showing value aggregations instead of trend lines on the group by headers.


We can also apply thresholds on these groups by header aggregations.

Click on the hamburger button of the column for which you want to apply a threshold for aggregation values. Go to the ‘Thresholds’ tab and click on ‘Manage Thresholds’.

The thresholds window will open.

In this threshold window first, you have to define on which rows you want to apply thresholds, on group headers rows on which value aggregations applied or on the normal row data.

To do this, expand the ‘Group’’ drop down box. It has two values, ‘Grouping applied attribute’ and ‘No grouping’. In our example, as we applied to the group on the ‘Product Category’ attribute, the threshold window will show this attribute.

Select ‘No grouping’ if you want to apply thresholds for normal row data and select the attribute name, e.g. Product Category, to apply thresholds on group headers.

In ‘Metric’ drop down tab select the metric on which you want to apply thresholds on value aggregations.

Give all the inputs in the threshold editor tab. Below is the screenshot applying thresholds on aggregation values.

7. Format / Clear Formatting

The text styles we apply using the ‘Grid Theme’ tab will reflect the entire grid i.e. all rows. Whereas the text styles we apply for any column using the ‘Format’ tab will affect only that particular column.

As shown in the below screenshot we can access ‘format’ or ‘clear format’ options from the hamburger button of any column.

The options we have in the ‘format’ tab, we can apply text styling to a particular column or column header only. To apply these properties, click on the hamburger button of any column and select the ‘Format’ tab. A column formatting popup window will come up.

The ‘Select Column’ drop down box will list all the Grouped columns, attributes, and metrics available in the chart. Select the column on which you want to apply column specific formatting. In the ‘Format For’ drop down box select ‘body’ or ‘header’. Apply all the formatting and click the ‘Close’ button.

The properties applied using the ‘Format’ tab for a particular column, will overwrite the properties applied using the “grid Theme’ tab for that column.

The ‘Clear Formatting’ tab will delete all the formatting applied on that particular column.

8. Tooltip

Vitara Micro chart is now having the ‘custom tooltip’ option. By default, the tooltip option is shown in the screenshot below.

You can enable tooltip, and apply the background color and required formatting. The below-shown pic is the applied tooltip with formatting needed.

9. Grand Totals

Vitara Micro chart by default shows ‘Grand Total’ row at the bottom of the visualization. The default function applied is ‘Sum’. However, we can modify the default aggregation function to other functions in the list.

Therefore, the term ‘Grand Total’ is just for naming purposes and does not mean it will show only totals. The actual value of the Grand total will be calculated by using the function applied in ‘Value Aggregation’.

For example, if we apply ‘Value Aggregation’ function - Max, the grand total will also show the max value among the values.

Show/Hide Grand total: If we don’t want to show ‘Grand Total’ row, then we can hide the ‘Grand Total’ row. Click on the ‘Edit’ button select the ‘Grand Totals’ tab and expand the drop-down box select ‘Hide’.

10. Pin Column

To keep a column of a micro chart visible while you scroll to another area of the grid, pin column will be useful. Go to the hamburger button of the column which you want to freeze, and expand the ‘Pin Column’ tab, select pin position - left or right. To remove the ‘Pin Column’ property select ‘No Pin’ option.

11.Show/Hide Column

We can hide or unhide any column in the Vitara Micro chart using the ‘Show/Hide Column’ tab. This feature can be accessed by any of the three ways we can get the properties window, i.e. ‘Edit’ button, right click properties window. Below are the screenshots of all these three ways we can apply the hide column feature.

12. Export

We export the data in the micro chart into CSV format. This feature will work in MicroStrategy Web only. We can export microdata in the following two ways.

Below is the screenshot of the ‘Export’ option using the “Edit’ popup window.

Below is a screenshot of applying the ‘Export’ option using the ‘right click’ popup window.

13. Reset Columns

With just a click we can delete any property applied to Vitara micro chart. Using edit options ‘Reset Columns’ tab we can delete all the customizations we applied on a micro chart or by simply give a right click and click on Reset columns → click on the required option in the ‘Reset Columns’

III. Right to Left (RTL) language support:

Vitara Charts now supports the right to left scripts. The right to left scripts is generally used in the following languages: Arabic, Hebrew, Persian/Farsi, and Urdu.

1. Controlling the option:

The option to use RTL is a system wide option. Once we enable it will be reflected in all Vitara charts. In the ‘global.txt’ file notice the following line:


The option is commented out by default. Just delete the ‘#’ character in the above line to enable RTL format of data display.

2. Grid and Micro Charts:

The main usage of RTL format is in the grid and micro charts.

The following are the changes made in Grid/Micro charts to fully support RTL format:

3. Cartesian Charts:

For all the cartesian charts, the horizontal axis will grow, by default, from right to left.

The vertical axis continues to be the same (grows bottom to top).

4. Grid layout Charts:

For charts that use a grid layout (like the waffle, trellis, etc.), the layout will start from the top right instead of top left.

5. Properties Editor:

Similar to the context menu in the grid, the properties editor now has the headers on the right (with the arrow key indicating selection on the left of the text) and the content on the left.

For each of the properties, the label and the control (i.e. checkbox or the select box, etc.) will be flipped. The label/header will be on the right and the control displayed on the left.

6. Legend:

For all the legend elements (laid out horizontally), the symbols will be shown on the right and the text on the left.

7. Tooltip:

The text will be right justified by default.

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